Héctor Linares
108 Weaver Building University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814)865-1367
Curriculum Vitae:

I am a socio-cultural historian of Early Modern Iberia with a major in Early Modern Global History and minors in Race and Ethnicity and Latin American History. My research explores the intersections of nobility, race, religion, and globalism in the early modern Iberian world, in particular, the role of Indigenous, Asian, and African descendants in Iberian aristocratic institutions. My dissertation explores how racially diverse vassals of the Spanish King engaged with Castilian juridical and institutional culture to be appointed in prestigious governmental offices, to achieve noble status, and to receive honors and patrimonies from the Spanish monarch. I analyze these cases across the vast geography of Iberian empires, from Portugal to the Philippines. My interdisciplinary approach employs literature, theater, art, and architecture to address—and embrace—the silences of the archive.
Dr. Ronnie Hsia and Dr. Amanda Scott
Areas of Interest:
Early Modern Iberia, Colonial Latin America, Blackness, Indigenous history, Race and ethnicity, Global History, Iberian Nobility, Military Orders, Chivalry, Empires, Trans-imperial mobility, Religious History, Women and Gender Studies, Atlantic and Mediterranean History, Spanish Italy.
Edited Books:
2024. The Contractual Monarchy of the Iberian World: Negotiating Power and Status, eds. Héctor Linares and Rich F. Lizardo (Leiden: Brill)
2024. Philip III and the Government of the Spanish Empire, 1598-1621, eds. Isabel Enciso, Héctor Linares and Amorina Villarreal (Leiden: Brill).
2023. En el Paraiso de los Altares. Poder, Mediación y Mecenazgo en el Mundo Ibérico Moderno, siglos XVI-XVIII, eds. Héctor Linares and Daniel Ochoa, Prologue by Ronnie Hsia, (Madrid: Doce Calles, 2023)
2022. Ceremonia, Magnificencia y Ostentación. La representación del Poder de las Élites en la Edad Moderna, siglos XVI-XVIII, eds. Héctor Linares and Marina Perruca, Prologue by Silvia. Z. Mitchell, (Madrid: Sílex, 2022).
2020. Poder y Privilegio en la Sociedad Moderna. Actores, Medios, Fines y Circunstancias, ss. XVI-XVIII, eds. Sergio Intorre, Héctor Linares, Valeria Patti and Marina Perruca, Prologue by Enrique Soria Mesa, (Palermo: Palermo University Press, 2020).
2019. De la Nobleza. la Caballería. Privilegio, Poder y Servicio en la Articulación de la Sociedad Moderna, siglos XVI-XVII, eds. Héctor Linares, Elena Mª García Guerra, and Marina Perruca, Prologue by Antonio Feros, (Palermo: New Digital Press, 2019).
- Warren H. Hassler Graduate Fellowship, PSU Richards Civil War Era Center, 2023
- Casa de Velázquez Resarch Fellowship, Casa de Velázquez, 2023
- PSU Committee for Early Modern Studies Award, Penn State University, 2023
- PSU Latin American Research Award, Penn State University, 2023
- European Erasmus Plus Fellowship, European Union, 2022.
- PSU Latin American Research Award, Penn State University, 2022.
- PSU Committee for Early Modern Studies Award, Penn State University, 2022
- McCourtney Family Scholarship, Penn State University, 2022
- Ted H. and Tracy Winfree McCourtney Family Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in American History, Penn State University, 2021-2022
- University Graduate Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University, 2021-2022
- Predoctoral Fellowship for International Internships, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2019
- Predoctoral Fellowship for International Internships, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2018
- Predoctoral Graduate Fellowship (FPI), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2017-2021
- University Graduate Fellowship for M.A. Studies, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2016-2017
- National Graduate Fellowship for Research Collaboration, Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of Spain, 2015-2016
- National Research Fellowship JAE, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Ministry of Economy, Government of Spain, 2014-2015
- National Fellowship for Foreign Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of Spain, 2012
- National Undergraduate Fellowship, Ministry of Education and Culture, Government of Spain, 2011-2015
Research Stays:
2023. Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúVisiting Scholar, Supervisor: Margarita Suárez,
2023. Casa de VelázquezResearch Fellow, Supervisor: Luis González,
2022. CHAM: Humanities Institute of the Universidade Nova de LisboaVisiting Research Scholar, Supervisor: Dr. Pedro Cardim, 2022.
2019. The Johns Hopkins UniversityVisiting Research Scholar, Supervisor: Dr. Erin K. Rowe, 2019.
2018. University of Pennsylvania
Visiting Research Scholar, Supervisor: Dr. Antonio Feros, 2018
Academic Service:
2023-2026. Member, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Renaissance Society of America.
2022-2023. Vice-President, Penn State History Graduate Student Association.
2017-2021. President, History Graduate Student Association, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2015-2017. Senator, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid´s Senate.
2018-2019. Member, M.A in History Graduate Program, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
2015-2020. Communication Staff, Ph.D. in History Program, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.