Department ofHistory





What is Religious Studies?

Religious Studies focuses on providing an understanding of the world’s diverse religions, their beliefs, and traditions. The relationship between religion and culture is closely examined to gain a better understanding of how religion affects politics, art, science, and other aspects of society. Research is done through multiple disciplines such as: philosophy, anthropology, sociology, history, and more.

You Might Like This Program If…

  • You are interested in exploring the complexities of the diverse religions of the world.
  • You hope to examine how religion has influenced local and global communities, from antiquity through present-day.
  • You would like to pursue a career in the humanities and hope to use a minor in Religious Studies to broaden your knowledge of diverse cultures.

Program Description

The minor in Religious Studies requires 18 hours of course work in RLST. It:

  1. acquaints the student with the methods for studying religion (how one studies a religion),
  2. provides an elementary introduction to the world’s main religious traditions (names, dates, ideas, similarities and differences), and
  3. offers the opportunity to investigate a particular topic or religion in greater detail.

Students are required to take one survey course (either RLST 1RLST 3, or RLST 4), which provides a broad historical overview of several religions, from their foundation to the present day. Learn more about the program requirements.

The interaction between religions and their cultural contexts is emphasized, as is the evolution of an individual religion. After this introduction, the student is free to choose from a broad array of courses on the psychological, sociological, historical, and textual aspects of religions, both living and dead, both familiar and foreign. For example, a student may study Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Norse religion, Greco-Roman religion, or the sociological aspects of religions. Reading skills and critical thinking skills are important and will be further developed in the courses.

The minor is excellent preparation for a career in the professions (law, medicine), and many students use this classical humanities topic to augment a major in the pure sciences.

Contact Person

Professor Jonathan Brockopp
Advisor Sarah McDonald


Undergraduate Bulletin – Religious Studies Minor