Joseph Bienko
108 Weaver Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 865-1367
Curriculum Vitae:
B.A., History and Spanish, State University of New York at Geneseo, Summa Cum Laude, 2020
M.A., History, Pennsylvania State University, 2022

I am a graduate student in the Early Modern Global field, specializing in the British Empire during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in the Caribbean. More specifically, I focus on how the environment affected military campaigns, and how armies manipulated environmental infrastructure to their advantage. In short, militarism and the environment were inextricably linked during the early modern period.
Dan Beaver and Ronnie Hsia
Research Interests:
Early Modern Global, The British Empire, Social History, Military History, Cultural History, Environmental History, Early Modern Print Culture