Workshop, October 19-21, 2023; Penn State University, Department of History
Conference convener, Sophie De Schaepdrijver
We tend to associate military occupations with World War II – and World War I with trenches and home fronts. Yet occupation regimes were a feature of World War I as well. Across Europe and beyond, from the Baltic to the Balkans and from the North Sea to Anatolia, invading armies set up structures of rule in conquered territory, and occupied populations faced a war of their own, different from the one experienced by their contemporaries on fronts or home fronts.
This workshop brings together experts on military occupation in the World War I era to examine how this dimension of the war sheds light on the social, cultural, economic, legal and military universe that made this war thinkable – and to reflect on how this war’s occupations fit into the global history of modern imperial rule.
All meetings take place in the Department of History, Weaver Building Seminar Room 102.
Day 1: Thursday, October 19
9:30-10:30 Introduction (Sophie De Schaepdrijver)
Session 1
11:00-12:30 Russian Occupations
Peter Holquist (Russian occupations of Galicia and region)
Halit Dundar Akarca (Russian occupation of Anatolia)
Session 2
1:30 – 3:00 Centrals Occupations from 1915
Jesse Kauffmann (Centrals occupation of Poland)
Klāvs Zariņš (German occupation of the Baltic)
Session 3
3:30-5:00 Centrals Occupations in the second half of the war
David Hamlin (Centrals occupation of Romania)
Oksana Dudko (The German and Austro-Hungarian Occupations of Ukraine, 1918)
Day 2: Friday, October 20
Session 4
9:30-10:15 Italy
-Vanda Wilcox (Italy, occupier and occupied)
Session 5
10-30-12:00 Serbia / Macedonia
-Gwendal Piégais (Entente occupation of Serbia and Macedonia)
-Jovana Lazić Knežević (Centrals occupation of Serbia and Macedonia)
Session 6
1:15-2:45 The Western Front
-Sophie De Schaepdrijver (German occupation of Belgium)
-Emmanuel Debruyne (German occupation of France)
Session 7
3:15-5:00 General discussion I
Commentators Isabel Hull and Aviel Roshwald
Day 3: Saturday, October 21
Session 8
9:30-11:30 Summing Up: General Discussion II
Commentators Isabel Hull and Aviel Roshwald
11:30-12:00 workshop ends
Halit Dundar Akarca
(Nazarbayev University, Kazachstan): Russian-occupied Anatolia
Emmanuel Debruyne
(Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium): German-occupied northern France
Sophie De Schaepdrijver
(Penn State): German-occupied Belgium & the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg
Oksana Dudko
(University of Toronto): The German and Austro-Hungarian Occupations of Ukraine, 1918
David Hamlin
(Fordham University): Centrals-occupied Romania
Peter Holquist
(University of Pennsylvania): Russian-occupied Galicia and region
Jesse Kauffman
(Eastern Michigan University): The German and Austro-Hungarian occupations of Congress Poland
Jovana Lazić Knežević
(Stanford University): Centrals-occupied Serbia and Macedonia
Gwendal Piégais
(University College Dublin): Entente-occupied Greece and Macedonia
Vanda Wilcox
(John Cabot University, Rome): Italy – occupied and occupier
Klāvs Zariņš
(Latvian War Museum/Institute of Latvian History): the German-occupied Baltic
Isabel V. Hull
(Cornell University): commentator
Aviel Roshwald
(Georgetown University): commentator

“Marching into Warsaw, August 5, 1915.”
German military post-card (Feldpostkarte), City Archive Sigmaringen, Braun Papers,