Make-Up Exam Policies and Procedures
Beginning on August 1, 2015, all Instructors must submit the form below at least 24 hours prior to the requested date of exam. On the form, Instructors must indicate whether the exam is simply a make-up (for a time conflict or a one-time special arrangement), or an accommodation due to a disability. The type of arrangements needed should be added to the “accommodations” text box.
When the form is received, the staff assistant responsible (Jennifer Contreras is the primary lead on this, Anna is the back-up), will reserve a room for you during the time and day you specify.
If the student is requesting an accommodation due to a disability, a general purpose classroom or 415 Weaver will be reserved for that time period (depending on availability). The instructor will need to proctor or arrange for a proctor. It is important to know that staff cannot serve as proctors for your exam.
If the request is being made simply to make up an exam, the exam will be scheduled at the conference table in 108 Weaver. This area is pretty open to traffic and can be noisy at times, so be sure that you indicate your preference for a general purpose classroom if that would be a better solution.
Please do not expect staff to monitor back-packs, check on students, or ensure no Academic Integrity violations occur. Staff cannot “time” exams. You must return to collect the student’s exam at the end of the exam period.